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Our Mission.

According to the National Human Trafficking Hotline, since 2007, the Human Trafficking Hotline has identified 6,168 cases of human trafficking in the state of Florida. In order to put a stop to human trafficking in Florida, Floridians need to be aware of the dangers and reality of human trafficking, as it affects everyone. Human trafficking awareness can and should be information that is shared and accessible throughout the entire state of Florida. Therefore, Combat Trafficking Florida has made it a mission to contribute to an anti-human-trafficking movement that will change Florida for the good. Making sure that Florida is correctly informed on human trafficking and how to combat it is our main focus as an organization.

Image 1: Organization for Security and Co-Operation in Europe "Combat Human Trafficking" October 12, 2015

What, Why, and How


The advocacy of this organization surrounds the help of our supporters. To support Combat Trafficking Florida, you can inform yourself about the reality of human trafficking and how to spot a human trafficking victim or a case of human trafficking. Combat Trafficking Florida acts as a source of information that you can't receive just anywhere. The information we share on our platform can be used to fight the human trafficking issues that Florida has been facing for many years.

Without knowing the truth about human trafficking, how would one attempt to combat it? This is the question we encourage all Floridians to ask themselves. Our organization advises Floridians about human trafficking in Florida and their role in combatting it because with absorbing this information comes with the urge to get involved in the stop of human trafficking in Florida. 



Combat Trafficking Florida will execute this mission by providing all the resources needed to learn about human trafficking in Florida and how to stop it.

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