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Your Role

Your role, to put it simply, is our motto: inform, prevent, and protect..Inform yourself on human trafficking in Florida, prevent a potential case and human trafficking, and protect those who are or have been a victim of trafficking. 

Human trafficking can be referred to as “a crime that is hidden in plain sight” by the Polaris Project Organization. Knowing the signs and acting upon them in the correct manner can determine a human trafficking victims' safety and – on a wider spectrum – the many other victims of human trafficking. “If it were possible to identify a potential trafficking case, there would be considerable potential for prevention, detection, disruption and early intervention.” (Volodko et. Al#)

Spotting the signs of active human trafficking can look like many different things. According to the Florida Sheriffs Association, some physical signs of a person being trafficked looks like malnourishment, disorientation, confusion, or sleep deprivation. There are also verbal signs that include anxiety when speaking, paranoia, extreme stuttering, or waiting for permission to speak. A person being trafficked also has a general lack of control of their own identification documents, money, or personal belongings, according to the general attorney of Florida, Ashley Moody. It is important to recognize these signs so that authorities are informed.

National Human Trafficking Hotline


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